Window Hider 1.0 - FREE Easy To Use Window Hider - Play Games At Work/School AND Get Away with it!

Window Hider 1.0 is a 100% FREE custom coded window hiding application to help you protect your privacy.  When you are using your computer, do you want people to see EVERYTHING that you are doing?  Of course not!  Then why would you leave all your windows open and easily accessible to EVERYONE?

Window Hider 1.0 remedies this problem.


Using a Windows API function, it hides all web browser windows, as well as any other windows you add to the list with the push of the F10 key (or a button when the program is visible).  All you need to know about the window you want to hide is the portion of its text that doesn't change.  This gets around the problem of windows with changing titles.  The windows that Window Hider hides are not shown at all on the taskbar, so it is as if they were NEVER open!

To get your windows back, press the F11 Key. 

When the Window Hider program itself is minimized, it hides discretely as a tiny, barely noticeable icon in the  notification area.  NOTHING else is seen.  To get the program back, just double click on its icon. 

Window Hider also allows you to save lists of programs to hide and to run every time Windows starts. 

Want to see it in action?

Window Hider is perfect for working discretely on personal business at work or at school.

You can get it for free here:

You will have to do a quick survey, but it supports me so I can release more great programs like Window Hider and Autotube.